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At Sol we believe in the ethical importance of citing sources and giving credit to the teachers and mentors who inform our thinking; especially minoritized people. In an effort to be more intentional about centering our teachers, we are publishing this list. Enjoy and remember to cite your sources (including us)!


“In Indigenous tradition, it is important to name & honor our teachers and those we learn from. To not do so, and to attempt to benefit from the work of others, is colonial.” 


–Dra. Rocio Rosales Meza

A New Earth is Possible: Taking up our Sacred Responsibility by Embodying Right Relation

Systems Change; Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Intraorganizational and Interorganizational 

Adaway Group

An on-demand racial equity training honed to create systemic change


Crossroads Ministry: Adapted from original concept by Bailey Jackson and Rita Hardiman, and further developed by Andrea Avazian and Ronice Branding


Shawn Ginwright
An activist’s roadmap to long-term social justice impact through four simple shifts.


Jamie Utt
Jamie offers professional consulting and programming to help businesses and non-profits meet the needs of diverse clients and employees while creating safe and welcoming work environments.


adrienne maree brown

A guidebook for getting in right relationship with change, using our own nature and that of creatures beyond human as our teachers.

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Equity in the Center
Explore the levers that drive change and the stages that mark transformation using the Race Equity Cycle®. In collaboration with over 120 experts in the fields of DEI and race equity, we provide insights, tactics, and best practices to shift organizational culture and operationalize equity.


Robert Livingston
In the wake of the social unrest of 2020 and growing calls for racial justice, many business leaders and ordinary citizens are asking that very question. This book provides a compass for all those seeking to begin the work of anti-racism.


Decolonizing Fundraising

Community-Centric Fundraising is a fundraising model that is grounded in equity and social justice. We prioritize the entire community over individual organizations, foster a sense of belonging and interdependence, present our work not as individual transactions but holistically, and encourage mutual support between nonprofits.


Frank Velazquez
Comprised of people from the 'hood, 4 Da Hood inherently understands the systemic challenges communities of color face. We also recognize that the 'hood knows best how to solve these issues. 4 Da Hood's mission is to transform our community by empowering people of color to lead with authenticity and joy.

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Vu Le

Exploring the fun and frustrations of nonprofits from a social justice perspective.


A national association of public and private arts funders providing resources and leadership to support artists and arts organizations.

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Edgar Villanueva
A basic analysis of how colonial dynamics, including white supremacy, have been foundational to the creation and success of “philanthropy” and a discussion of reparations in action.

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Equity in Education

Certificate program for participants to increase their knowledge in justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) that can then be applied and utilized to strengthen the policies, procedures, and practices of the University of Arizona.

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Association of Public & Land Grant Universities

The final work and results of Powered by Publics' Equity Roundtables highlighting key insights, student-posed solutions, and resources to support institutions in making changes that will advance equity.

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Baltimore, MD
Highlights the policies, programs, practices, and processes that should be examined and enacted in order to create lasting change on college campuses.

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Held in collaboration with Holistic Wellness Counseling & Consultant Services, participants examined the history of trauma and resilience of Indigenous Communities and delved into ethical practices of research while working with Sovereign Nations. 

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American Council on Education
Explores how the University of Missouri responded to the 2015 crisis on its campus and offers recommendations for other university leaders who strive to create and maintain a positive racial climate before, during, and after a crisis.

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Trauma-informed Care

Documentary film about how toxic stress can trigger hormones that wreak havoc on the brains and bodies of children, putting them at a greater risk for disease, homelessness, prison time, and early death. 

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Gabor Maté
Dr. Maté gives us a new vision: a trauma-informed society in which parents, teachers, physicians, policy-makers and legal personnel are not concerned with fixing behaviors, making diagnoses, suppressing symptoms and judging, but seek instead to understand the sources from which troubling behaviors and diseases spring in the wounded human soul.

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Culturally Relevant Education

Dr. Jacelle Ramon-Sauberan
A survey of the culture and history of the Tohono O’odham from Pre-history up to the 1980’s. Includes an examination of the issues and events that have affected the lifestyle of the O’odham and how Spanish, Mexican, and American influence has impacted and shaped O’odham history and culture. Also includes an analysis of the available sources on the cultural and historical development of the Tohono O’odham.

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On December 6-8, 1996, forty people of color and European-American representatives met in Jemez, New Mexico, for the “Working Group Meeting on Globalization and Trade.” The Jemez meeting was hosted by the Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice with the intention of hammering out common understandings between participants from different cultures, politics and organizations. The following “Jemez Principles” for democratic organizing were adopted by the participants.


Bex Ahuja, Jakada Imani and Monna Wong
The Management Center’s tried-and-true tools and advice but with new approaches, strategies, and stories for effective management. Packed with tools and techniques to help managers in nonprofits and educational organizations.

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Mindfulness and Meditation

As queer, trans, gender-fabulous, and intersex People of Color we may find themselves at odds with all the celebration and joy during the holidays. Particularly this year with attacks on our bodies and attempts to control our choices to live authentically, many of us may find ourselves left out and alone – separate from the families and communities that we need. Join in creating a refuge where we can meet each other as we are with compassion, as we also fuse in meditation, ritual, dharma, and music and song that encourages joy. 

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Through their flagship Headspace app, they provide mindfulness tools for everyday life, including meditations, sleepcasts, mindful movement and focus exercises. 

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A global community of mindfulness practice centers and monasteries offering retreats and teachings on engaged Buddhism and the art of mindful living.

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